
If you’ve ever had a dream.

Hey friends!

As you may or may not know,

I make YouTube videos.

I’ve been making videos since I was 12, in 7th grade.

Today, a really sweet fan commented and told me that he was too nervous to tell his friends face to face that he likes to act and goes to stage school. He’s scared of how they will react. He asked me for advice on how to build confidence.

I really, really love when my fans and subscribers open up to me. I told him something like this:

It’s completely okay. I used to have this problem.

I still do.

But you have to continuously work through it. It’s what makes you stronger.

For many people, especially in the creative field, it’s hard to open up about what you love to do. It’s a hard thing to explain. Quite honestly, it can be embarrassing. It has been for me, more times than one. Many do not understand the motives, concepts, and beauty behind hobbies and careers like acting, writing, designing, and making videos and films. They don’t view it as “legitimate.”

“You can’t make a living that way.”

“Do you get paid enough?”

“That’s not a real job.”

“Do you think you’ll make it?”

“You must have a lot of time.” (This one kills me. It’s almost laughable. Believe me, it’s the thing we don’t have enough of…)

Art is weird. Art is being vulnerable. As writers, designers, artists, actors, musicians, and most importantly – visionaries – we are some of the most vulnerable people on the planet.

We expose ourselves, for everyone and anyone to see, examine, interpret, and most terrifying of all – criticize.

Instantaneously, I understood everything my fellow innovator was asking me, and more. I knew and could comprehend every single feeling and the exact emotions that were packed into his question.


Because I have been there before.

It definitely gets easier to handle. At first, you will be super embarrassed and scared to tell people. That’s a given. But you have to (and you will) get to that point where you say to yourself, “Hey, I’m proud of what I love to do.” 

Here’s my advice to you: 

When you are scared to say it to your friends,

don’t think twice about it.

If they ask you, and you get scared, just sort of spill it right then. Don’t over think it. Don’t think about the outcome, what they will say, or what they won’t say. You can deal with that later.

When you own what you like to do, and especially (especially especially especially) when you start saying it out loud, you begin to believe it, and more importantly, you begin to believe in yourself.

You will get there eventually. It’s a process, and it will continue to be. But that’s all the fun of life!

You got it :]

My utmost respect goes out to the people who have the courage and bravery to do what they love, and not apologize for it.

And that’s who I have decided I will be.

I truly wish you everyone of you who are reading this the courage and best luck in all of your endeavors – no matter what you aspire to do or be! As long as you are alive, be dreaming. Let your passion guide you. It’s your passion for a reason.

Never fear the fall.


Yours Truly,



“To live a creative life, we must not lose our fear of being wrong.”

-Joseph Chilton Pearce
